
About Sue Thomas

Sue has been involved in Long Term conditions and specifically neurology services since the late 1980’s Her own clinical background is  in nursing and she has held leading national roles since 1991 including 18 years as national policy and practice adviser for long term conditions at the Royal College of Nursing.

In 2008, Sue supported the neurological charities to develop a unique commissioning support service Neurological Commissioning Support (NCS) in an attempt to influence health service commissioning. The Department of Health provided eight years of funding to support this initiative which provided scrutiny into how services were being delivered and how service change needed to occur. This work led to her involvement in several national strategic reviews including All Party Parliamentary Groups, the Public Accounts Committee and the Audit Commission.  For the last 6 years Sue has worked with a range of providers to help develop evidence to support service transformation projects in both primary and secondary care, she has also written a number of disease insight reports and the issues surrounding variation in care.