Sue Thomas Healthcare Consulting specialises in bespoke consultancy and commissioning support with a particular focus on neurology.

Consultancy support to Health and Social Care, Pharma, Med Tech and Charities includes the provision of business intelligence, needs assessment, service mapping and redesign, pathway development, communication and patient and public engagement.


We’re here to make your job as easy and enjoyable as possible. Above all, we strive to maximise your experience of working with us. In fact, client-agency alignment is what sets us apart. Creativity and initial chemistry may win pitches, but it’s the ongoing experience of working together that leads to long-term, successful relationships, for the optimum success of your brands.



Neurology go to market specialist

Alignment to the bigger picture

Strategic planning

Facilitation and workshops

Delivering your strategic focussed roadmap


Disease specific insight

Immersion training

Patient and public engagement


Market insight



Pathway development